Friday, October 25, 2013

AT&T Take down

In the commercials  below,It uses a few different ways of Advertising Techniques. The one I will stress today is EMOTIONAL APPEAL.This shows it by the kids at the table telling the guy what they know about the statements.  He is giving them to the kids  and the kids are giving him answers.They want you to think that it is humors so you will go out and buy the phone
service.The second thing that is stressed is STEREO TYPE  because they are giving more than one opinion about the kid who is spinning his head and waving his arms,trying to prove that he can do two things at once.This is his opinion of what he can do. A link for stereo type is...    and for emotional appeal ...

My Opinion 

I like this commercial because it shows the little kids at the round table sharing their ideas.The guy at the table says that its not complicated and he uses the kids as a example.What the techies that will help me buy this product is EMOTIONAL APPEAL.That is because they are using the kids ideas as a humor and that is the appeal of this 


5.Justin Bieber "Someday"
All of these commercials show Endorsement because Justin Bieber is the celebrate and he is recommending his product.


1.Nokia Phone {1
2.Nokia Phone {2
3.Apple Phone 
4.Galaxy S4
5.Apple Every Day Photos

All of these commertials shows that they are putting down the compotition and and they are proving that their company is better.


In conclusion every commercial that you see on TV,has a different technique that it connects to.This hopefully gave you more info on the world of TV commercials. What is your favorite type of commercial?The next time you turn on the TV think about the technique that it shows.{bandwagon,name calling,card stacking,etc.}  Leave a comment or link below!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Terricota Traders 


Over 2,000 years ago,the terrocta figures stood in a pit.In chin the first emporor made theis soliders to protect him in the afterlife.Each one was carved diffrently like it was representing a person.There were most likley more then 7,000 soliders made but only 300 were found  and restored.100 more are in the prosses of being rebuilt.The acient terrcota are oold but not any older then something we don't allready know.

My Opinion

I think that the first emporor of china was  very bad person because he druged his wifes and buried them alive.The first emporer was obsessed with his death because he thought that he would lose all of his power.This information was from The First Emporor By:Daniel Cohen.According to Digging Up The Past by:Helan Wiseman Bledsoe he was not one of the most popular rulers to ever live.Mean,not popular thought.


10.Side View


Knowing everything that this ruler did to his people,WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE ALIVE DURING THIS TIME PEROID????In the end,I would and still do today think that this man/ruler is a very bad,mean person.Thanks For Reading!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 7, 2013


The super croc is a Dino killer,with its 132 teeth that can chomp up meat,the Dino is gone in a gulp.The animal is big and old from 110 million years ago.Also it weighed 10 tons and 40 ft.It caused lots of disruptionI dinosaurs were killed and eaten.Super Crocs were bigger and heavier then an African elephant. Nobody knew where they all went but this will tell you lots about their life and the killing of dinosaurs.


The super croc was the largest croc to ever live.No wonder that it killed so many animals{Dinosaurs, fish}It had a back full of armor it could eat its prey big or small. Since they were so big, scientists think that they were the biggest animal to ever roam the earth.There could not be more then 5,000 crocs living at this time this means that they were very rare creatures. 

My Opinion

In my opinion I fell that Super Croc was a huge animal that caused lots of disruption. The Super Croc should not be around today because I fell that he would have caused  lots of disruption.I recomend Super Croc by:Peter Winkler. It give lots of information about the super croc and how they were like long ago and the ways the species could have dispersed in the world.                     

Top 10 Facts And Pictures And Viedos

1  Super Croc Facts
2.Animal Planet Website
3.Steve Irwin info
5.Super Croc
6.Head in supercroc
7.On top of supercroc
8.Dino gone in a gulp
9.Bones pictures


Thank you for reading my first blog post I can't wait to do more!If you liked this blog post or have anything I can improve on, comment or subscribe below!!!Thanks Again!